Lop Nur Journals

Monday, November 06, 2006

The "Real China", in pictures

Today I got a warning from Big Brother that I was accessing an "unsafe" website (a Taiwanese newspaper, going through a proxy server to get around the blocks). It seems that while i can post to this blog, i can't actually access it, suggesting that it too is "unsafe". So be sure that you are wearing protective clothing and a closed mind when viewing the following.

Brave Zhongguo-nauts explore the surface of distant planets, with only bright orange space boots to protect them, Dunhuang:

The Maiji-shan Grottoes, Tianshui, Gansu: I've gotten into Buddhist cave art in a big way on this trip, especially after Dunhuang. Last week I was in Tianshui, a pleasant city in eastern Gansu. Nearby are the Maiji-shan (haystack mountain) grottoes, which as can be seen from the photos, are in a pretty spectacular, and vertigo-inducing, setting. Fantastic place.

Restored remains of the Tang-dyansty eating quarters, Xi-an:

New ideas in the old Confucian Academy, Xi'an. Everybody can be a celebrity these days in China. And yes, the Chinese says the same as the English, it is perfectly translated:

Despite my theoretical reservations (ranted about below), I am having a fine time. If it weren't for the flies buzzing around my head in this internet cafe, I'd go into more detail. Instead, I think I'll go get a cup of coffee.


  • get me some of them orange gumboots. oh and vote 1 josh - he's 2, 3 and 4 in the unearthed hip hop chart and 33rd overall. oh and look at myspace/outwardobtooce at d d dave moodys comments about rudi vedalago. made my day. hope you are having joyous times and spreading the word of our lord jesus christ in the land of red devils. you sonofabitch - post some photos of shit going on with people in them - not fucken monuments. allthough the staircases attached to the mountain were pretty cool. have fun fella

    By Blogger rixy, at 11:35 am  

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