Lop Nur Journals

Friday, October 27, 2006

Happy Snaps

It's been a while between drinks, hasn't it. I'm in Turpan, about to head to Dunhuang on a sleeper bus - and let it be known that these two words strike a cold terror into me after the 26 hour one I took across the Taklmakan Desert from Hotan back to Urumqi a few days ago. Alas, it is tough being a heroic traveller these days. I'm sure it beats across the desert by camel and donkey though...

So on my last day in Xinjiang, a fairly random selection of images...

Kashgar Watermelon Man:

Emin Minaret, Turpan:

Jiaohe Ruins, Turpan:

No profound thoughts occur to me at the moment (nor do they most of the time)...maybe later. Right now I have to hit the CD shops to get some Uighur disco music before I leave.


  • get me some of that urigir disco

    oh and vote 1 josh

    By Blogger rixy, at 2:44 am  

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    By Blogger Esther, at 3:01 pm  

  • hey scott its esther
    alfie gave me this link
    great pictures!
    especially the second one
    magnificent but...peaceful
    seems you really had a good time
    i'm glad man

    hope all well

    By Blogger Esther, at 3:04 pm  

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