Lop Nur Journals

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Dear friends,

We thought you might be interested to learn that Yun-fen Lee and Scott Writer are engaged. If you think you are surprised, you should have seen the looks on our faces when we heard the news.

At present we are planning to mark our marriage with a small reception in Taipei on the afternoon of Saturday 10 February, followed by a similar event in Australia later in the year. We will be providing details in a subsequent email in the very near future.

We hope that we will be able to catch up with you all soon, and that the new year brings you as much happiness as it will no doubt bring us.

Yun-fen and Scott

[Chinese Announcement Follows]

我們目前計畫在2月10 日上午公證,下午舉辦個小小的茶宴,邀請大家前來分享我們的喜悅。

蘊芬(Yunfen)與阿浩 (Scott)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

What the world needs now...

is more "individualists, international rolling stones, and slightly batty geniuses." ASIO does to, especially if they speak Chinese or Arabic.

In other news: reclusive, and slightly batty, genius drops a tome and a half on the literary world.